Wednesday, July 15, 2009

have the blues!

hey. made it through today. don't know what's going on but have had a headache and fatigue today. I had to go to memorial first thing for a cardiogram and labs. i then got meds filled that i'm to start before mon. I had a six month review with one of my clients then headed home. got ready but didn't go to church. tired! another thing, i have this wierd kind of rash on my right breast where i had the surgery. it is almost like bruising or blood vessels. My surgeon is going to check it in morning. then a day of tests, tests, tests ( ct scan, bone test, etcc) to be ready for mon. I will be there most of the day. However, i will get a massage between tests. they are free for us at the breast center! Also, gonna get my hair cut short tomorrow. my mood today, kind of solomn and thoughtful, a little down. need to get in my Bible before bed. Hope you all have a good night!

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