Saturday, August 15, 2009

Awesome day!

Hey! I had a really awesome day. Roger is off for the weekend so we have taken advantage of it. We went out to eat last night then breakfast together this morning. then we rode his motorcycle to the pocket where i had to stick my feet in the water. it was as cold as i remembered as a child! It was a great ride the weather couldn't have been better! thank you , God I needed it! When we got back, had lunch then he got our cars cleaned up then we went to store and cooked spaghetti for us and boys! It was the most fun i have had in a while. the symptoms of the shot are easing up, didn't even have to take stomach meds! And i did use my hand gel and be cautious. I actually wanted to go to the movies last night but Roger said i was crazy and reminded me that i wasn't supposed to be in crowds! duh! bad idea. but I had an awesome weekend so far anyway. I am planning on going to church tomorrow, had to miss wed night, was sick. Well, it's 7:00. everyone has gone. I am going to sit back, relax and maybe read. I hope God blessed you today like he did me! Hugs to you all!

Thank you Jesus for giving me day of being normal again! He is always right on time and supplies ALL our needs!

1 comment:

Val said...

I am so glad you had such a great day. You deserve it. I told Shannon the other day that I would love to meet you and maybe all 3 of us could have lunch one day. Keep blogging! I love it. Thanks for the email.